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Where Western Heritage Begins!
The Idaho Junior Rodeo Association began in 1982 and is open to youth from the state of Idaho, ages 0-17. Seven rodeos will be held throughout the 2024 summer season and a Top 10 Rodeo. Rodeos will be June 21-22, July 13, July 19-20, August 2-3 and Top 10 TBA in August. At each rodeo contestants have the option to select a buckle or money if they win an event and money will be jackpotted to 4th place in each event dependent on entries. Contestants earn points towards year-end awards. Memberships & Sponsorships are due by
May 1st each year. Links to membership, sponsorship and entries are on the different tabs located at the top of this page. Daysheets and results are on a separate tab also.
Ages 0-6
Stick Horse Barrels
Sheep Riding
Goat Ribbon Pull
Dummy Roping
Ages 7-9
Girls Goat Tying
Boys Goat Tying
Barrel Racing
Pole Bending
Calf Riding
Girls Dummy Roping
Boys Dummy Roping
Ages 10-13
Boys Breakaway Roping
Boys Goat Tying
Steer Riding
Chute Doggin
Team Roping
Barrel Racing
Pole Bending
Girls Breakaway
Gilrs Goat Tying
Bareback Steer Riding
Saddle Bronc Steer Riding
Ages 14-17
Boys Tie Down Roping
Steer Wrestling
Bull Riding
Bareback Bronc Riding
Saddle Bronc Riding
Team Roping
Girls Goat Tying
Barrel Racing
Pole Bending
Girls Breakaway Roping

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